Adventist Volunteer Service
Explore. Serve. Grow.

Why Go Through AVS?

  • You are identified as a part of the official program of the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist® Church.

  • You qualify for insurance from Adventist Risk Management (ARM).

  • Once you have been approved by the General Conference Mission Personnel Processing Committee, you are able to appeal to the total structure of the Seventh-day Adventist® Church for assistance in the event of sickness, trouble with a supervisor, an institution’s failure to honor an agreement, etc. while serving in the field through the Adventist Volunteer Service.

  • We offer a mediation and conciliation process for resolution of difficulties that no other organisation offers.

  • Volunteer service can lead to lifetime employment or even full-time missionary service with the Church.

  • You establish a record of volunteer service which makes it easier to volunteer elsewhere.

  • We strive to match you with the task that best meets your gifts, qualifications and calling.

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